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"A Setback For Bloggers" - H.R. 1605 Archives

"A Setback For Bloggers" - H.R. 1605

Bloggers were the focus of attention for about an hour in the House yesterday, and they managed to win the backing of 225 lawmakers for a bill designed to limit the application of campaign finance law to blogs and other Internet communications.

But the final tally, 225-187, fell 47 votes short of the two-thirds majority necessary to pass the Online Freedom of Speech Act under a procedure designed to expedite passage. For now, that puts the debate about applying campaign finance law back at the Federal Election Commission, where a court-mandated rulemaking has been under way since this summer.

Yesterday's House vote is not technically a defeat for the legislation....

"A Setback For Bloggers," Beltway Blogroll, November 3, 2005



November 6, 2005 12:05 AM    Fourth Estate


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