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"Some Tips for Kagan’s Hearings -- Be Prepared" Archives

"Some Tips for Kagan’s Hearings -- Be Prepared"

The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to commence its confirmation hearing on June 28 to consider the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace Associate Justice John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court. As many experts predict, Ms. Kagan may pass the Senate test with flying colors en route to confirmation.

Leaving the substance and content of her testimony to her White House handlers, and ideology and judicial philosophy aside for a moment, I would focus Ms. Kagan’s attention on the two major roles and responsibilities of a hearing witness: to present effective and compelling oral testimony that makes the case for her confirmation and to be responsive in answering questions posed to her by the committee.

The Senate hearing will be Ms. Kagan’s chance to make the record, correct misperceptions, refute inaccuracies, and frame and advance the merits of her nomination in terms she chooses. If she follows a few well-tested and time-honored cardinal rules as a hearing witness, she stands a good chance of “wowing” the committee, and eventually the full Senate, with the delivery of substantive and skillfully presented testimony and answers to questions and an engaging demeanor as a witness. Here is a list of top-tier tips for consideration:

Some Tips for Kagan’s Hearings — Be Prepared, by Bill LaForge, Roll Call, June 10, 2010

Coming this summer:

Testifying Before Congress: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony before Congress and Congressional Hearings for Agencies, Associations, Corporations, Military, NGOs, and State and Local Officials

Testifying Before Congress
Testifying Before Congress

Testifying Before Congress
A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony before Congress and Congressional Hearings for Agencies, Associations, Corporations, Military, NGOs, and State and Local Officials

By William N. LaForge

2010, 475-plus pages

Hardbound, $77
ISBN 10: 158733-172-1
ISBN 13: 978-1-58733-172-5

Softcover, $67
ISBN 10: 158733-163-2
ISBN 13: 978-1-58733-163-3

For more information, see

Also see

Supreme Court Nominations
Supreme Court Nominations

For more information, see

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June 10, 2010 12:37 PM    Congressional Hearings

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