Banning Earmarks Effective or Mostly for Show?

  Earmarks, pork barrel projects and logrolling | Khan Academy   Yes, it’s theoretically possible that congressional leaders will use earmarks to help pass legislation shrinking the burden of government. It’s also possible that I’ll play centerfield next year for the Yankees. But I’m not holding my breath for either of these things to happen. … Read more

Smart Grid

[T]he biggest problems with the $1.5 trillion installation of the Smart Grid are not the dicey technological, financial, and regulatory riddles that currently obsess bureaucrats, but chewy philosophical ones.The Smart Grid is rolling out lickety split because all the right interest groups love it: Utilities like the idea of cutting labor costs and being able … Read more

Understanding Congressional Budgeting and Appropriations, 1-day course in Washington, DC from TheCapitol.Net

Understanding Congressional Budgeting and Appropriations This engaging course explores basic congressional budget process concepts along with key players, their roles and relationships. Learn about discretionary and mandatory spending, the budget resolution and reconciliation process. Students also learn about the relationship of authorization and appropriations legislation. Hear real, modern-day examples that illustrate the process, and gain … Read more

Gettysburg Address, by Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We … Read more

Advanced Federal Budget Process, 2-day course in Washington, DC from TheCapitol.Net

Advanced Federal Budget Process 2-day course photo credit: joannapoe Learn how the federal budget process really works from faculty members with years of subject-matter expertise. Study important terminology and understand budgetary interests. We provide a comprehensive overview of current budget politics and the federal budgeting process. So you gain the awareness and guidance necessary to … Read more

It Is You, American Citizens, Who Really Have the Power in Washington

Brad Fitch’s latest book, Citizen’s Handbook To Influencing Elected Officials: Citizen Advocacy in State Legislatures and Congress: A Guide for Citizen Lobbyists and Grassroots Advocates, makes a compelling case for the power of the ordinary citizen to influence members of Congress—IF you understand how to do it right. “Looks pretty useful.” — Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit … Read more