Blue-Slip Resolution / Star Print / Blue Slip (

From the Congressional Glossary – Including Legislative and Budget Terms

Blue-Slip Resolution / Star Print / Blue Slip




Blue-Slip Resolution: House resolution ordering the return to the Senate of a Senate bill or amendment that the House believes violates the constitutional prerogative of the House to originate revenue measures.

Article I, Section 7, clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution is known as the Origination Clause because it provides that “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.” As generally understood in both the House and Senate, this clause carries two kinds of prohibitions. First, the Senate may not originate any measure that includes a provision for raising revenue, and second, the Senate may not propose any amendment that would raise revenue to a non-revenue measure. The Senate, however, may generally amend a House-originated revenue measure as it sees fit. These prohibitions can be enforced in either the House or the Senate, and there are ample precedents for both.

Star Print: A reprint of a measure, amendment, or committee report to correct errors in a previous printing. The first page carries a small black star. Rarely used today, with technology mitigating the need.

A “Blue Slip” is a blue-paper form “that Senate Judiciary Committee chairs send to home-state senators asking if they approve of judicial nominees in their states.” “Senate GOP used “blue slips” to block Obama judicial nominees, but now wants to trash the practice,” by Russell Wheeler, Brookings, May 25, 2017.


Grassley Speaks on the History of the Blue Slip Courtesy for Judicial Nominees


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