Presidential Transitions – Custom Training

Presidential Transitions

Custom Training Are you ready for a presidential transition? Whether you work for a federal agency, embassy, or NGO, efforts at planning a 2020 transition, regardless who wins the presidential election, are starting to take shape well before November. Presidential transitions have a unique set of rules and practices, and can create important opportunities.

We can customize this program online for your group via Adobe Connect. Topics can include:

  • Formal pre-election requirements of the Presidential Transition Act, 2019 Presidential Transition Enhancement Act, and recent OMB/White House guidance.
  • Establishment of teams, points of contact, transition materials, and interagency councils.
  • Dates, deadlines, and deliverables.
  • If the Administration is reelected:
    • Planning for a second term with fresh eyes and outlook
    • Assessing first-term experiences, priorities, and unfinished business
    • Identify new opportunities and challenges
  • If a new Administration is elected, understanding priorities and best practices for:
    • Establishing initial points of contact with the incoming team
    • Identifying career officials to serve in acting roles during the transition
    • Identifying actions and decisions needed in the first 30/60 days of the new administration
    • Preparing transition briefing materials
    • Preparing to assist new appointees and leadership team
    • Navigating the appointment, confirmation, and personnel approval systems
  • Understanding the appropriate roles of career staff and political appointees during the transition.
  • How to lobby as an outside interest during the transition.
  • Custom versions of this Presidential Transitions program can be presented live online using Adobe Connect, and can be tailored for executives, managers, military officers, technical staff, attorneys, analysts and others who need a solid overview of Presidential Transitions. This workshop is designed for executives, federal employees GS-13 and above, military officers, supervisory personnel, SES, and Leadership Development participants.

    Presidential Transitions

    • For government agencies before or after the election
    • For NGOs including foreign delegations, trade associations, and others, before or after the election

    The Presidential Transitions course is normally a 3 to 4 hour program, presented live online via Adobe Connect.

    For more information, please see our web page:

    This program and any combination of its topics can be tailored for custom live online presentation.

    For more than 40 years, TheCapitol.Net and its predecessor, Congressional Quarterly Executive Conferences, have been teaching professionals from government, military, business, and NGOs about the dynamics and operations of the legislative and executive branches and how to work with them.

    Our custom on-site and online training, publications, and audio courses include congressional operations, legislative and budget process, communication and advocacy, media and public relations, testifying before Congress, research skills, legislative drafting, critical thinking and writing, and more.

    TheCapitol.Net is on the GSA Schedule, MAS, for custom on-site and online training. GSA Contract GS02F0192X

    TheCapitol.Net is now owned by the Sunwater Institute.

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