TheCapitol.Net Faculty – Carla Flink

Faculty and Authors of TheCapitol.Net > A-F

Carla FlinkCARLA FLINK is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at American University. Professor Flink’s research interests are in public budgeting and finance, public administration, and public policy.

She teaches courses in public budgeting and financial management, as well as quantitative research methods. Her current research examines the connection between organizational performance and monetary resources in local governments and how public management influences the distribution of funds across government activities. This line of research has resulted in publications in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Policy Studies Journal, and Urban Affairs Review.

In 2012, Dr. Flink won the award for Best Paper in Comparative Policy at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.

She earned her PhD in Political Science from Texas A&M University in 2014.