Recognizing Effective Grassroots Efforts

When your grassroots efforts are successful, there are many ways to recognize and reward those efforts. photo credit: moonlightbulb Give out annual awards for outstanding citizen efforts. Host a major event and present the awards during the event or cover it in a publication. Provide an opportunity for citizens to share their success stories with … Read more

Tips for Organizing Grassroots Networks

When setting up a grassroots organization, you can organize the network in one of three different ways. photo credit: ricketyus With and organized formal membership, those who join are formal members who are either current or potential grassroots activists. They may be organized into local or state chapters. Labor unions and established trade associations are … Read more

Advocacy through Grassroots Organization

Grassroots lobbying has become a popular and common method for attempting to influence the outcome of legislation. At the most basic level, grassroots lobbying involves citizens simply contacting their legislators to convince them to take a certain stand either for or against a specific piece of legislation. One of the reasons that grassroots lobbying is … Read more