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Embassy Series: Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff Archives

Embassy Series: Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff

Embassy Series: Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff

A three-course series on audio CD for foreign diplomats and embassy staff based in the United States who need a good understanding of the U.S. government to work effectively.

This three-part series of courses introduces you to the structure of the three branches of government, the dynamics of Congress, and federal rulemaking and the federal regulatory process.

Part I: The U.S. Government in a Nutshell
Part II: The Dynamics of the Legislative Process
Part III: The Federal Regulatory Process

Embassy Series
Capitol Learning Audio Course
Includes seminar materials.
Three audio courses on CD: $127 plus shipping and handling Buy this Audio Course on CD

September 24, 2008 12:07 PM    Training

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