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Writing for Government and Business: Critical Thinking and Writing, from TheCapitol.Net, April 15, 2010 Archives

Writing for Government and Business: Critical Thinking and Writing, from TheCapitol.Net, April 15, 2010

Writing for Government and Business: Critical Thinking and Writing

How to Compose Clear and Effective Reports, Letters, Email, and Memos
Writing for Government and Business: Critical Thinking and Writing

Do you need to improve your writing skills? This intensive one-day course helps students understand the three dimensions of professional writing: organization, format and style. In addition to reviewing and teaching specific writing techniques, our faculty show you how to:
  • Apply critical thinking to the writing process
  • Use the four keys to effective writing
  • Understand the five-step writing process
  • Develop an effective writing style
Communication skills are the key to efficient and effective operations in business and government. New employees should brush-up on their basic written communication and plain English skills, while experienced professionals, burdened by the additional workload caused by downsizing and budget cuts, can also benefit from this refresher course.

April 15, 2010, 9 am - 4 pm.

Approved for 0.6 CEUs from George Mason University.
Approved for CEUs from George Mason University

Where: DC Bar Conference Center, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 200 (12th and K Streets NW) in Washington, DC

This is a required course for the Certificate in Communication and Advocacy.

For more information, including agenda and secure online registration, see

March 4, 2010 07:57 AM    Training

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