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Best office chair? Archives

Best office chair?

Modern office chairs have grown far too complicated. Their underbellies have sprouted gnarly forests of knobs and levers. Their instruction manuals have thickened into tomes. On occasion, new chairs are equipped with explanatory CD-ROMs. This is absurd: Since when have we needed an animated schematic to teach us how to sit on our keisters?

Answer: Roughly since 1994—the year of the Aeron.

"Sit Happens: A search for the best desk chair," by Seth Stevenson, slate, December 6, 2005

Seth Stevenson's list includes:
the Aeron, which he rates as "Very Good, But Not Superb." We still like ours....

Number 2 is Let's B, by Turnstone, at $399 a "best buy"

Number 1?

Liberty, by Humanscale, $955

He writes:

I can't say enough about this chair. The child of design legend Niels Diffrient (who has worked with the studios of Eero Saarinen and Henry Dreyfus), the Liberty is as functional as it is elegant. This sit is the bomb.

December 12, 2005 02:35 PM    Tools


Office chairs are important, but make sure your home office furniture fits your work style. The new modular office furniture on the market these days is very functional. My productivity has increased multifold after I purchased a new desk and filing system. With new office furniture I have found the transition from working at the business office to a home office has become easier. I have also become more productive. There are many places to buy online. I found the quality and value of the furniture you can get to be above my expectations. Check them out if you get the opportunity.

My personal favorite is the new reflex ergonomic office chair by girsberger, closely followed by the smaller brother the folio. I have also spent many hours in the logic from rh ergonomic office chairs was amazingly comfortable and supportive as any good ergonomic office chair should be. There are also a lot of smaller lesser known companies producing some excellent chairs.

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