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Nobody will remember Materazzi - Hate cell phones? - Thunder storms this week - Nostalgia Archives

Nobody will remember Materazzi - Hate cell phones? - Thunder storms this week - Nostalgia

Materazzi who?

Most people don't even know who Marco Materazzi is ("one of the dirtiest players in the game" - see comments), and in a few years no one will remember him, while many WILL remember Zinedine Zidane, one of the world's great football players. However, Zidane should have waited until after the game to smack Marco....

Hate cell phones?

Hate cell phones? You should move to Vermont. As of June 2005, the most recent data available, the Green Mountain state had the fewest cell phones per capita in the country at just over 300 per 1,000 people.
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[A]s more and more people switch to cell phones, local governments are losing revenue from the franchise fees they have traditionally charged to landline subscribers.

"Cell Outs," by Josh Goodman, 13th Floor, July 10, 2006

Thunder storms this week

Shut the windows and crank up the A/C, and keep an umbrella nearby. Characteristic (but not extreme) DC summer heat and humidity, and the threat of late afternoon/evening thunderstorms, kick in today and should persist through much of the week.

"The week ahead: Steamy and slightly stormy...," CapitalWeather, July 10, 2006


Play Guitar Like the Cowboys Do

Play Guitar Like the Cowboys Do…Only 8-1/3 Cents a Lesson

from boingboing

. . . . . . . . .

July 10, 2006 06:47 AM    Caught Our Eye

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