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August 2008 Archives

Glossary of Legislative Terms: "Refer"

Refer: Assignment of a measure to committee.

Congressional Deskbook

This definition is from the Glossary in our Congressional Deskbook.

Perfect reference tool of Congressional jargon and procedural terms.

Congressional Deskbook: The Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Congress, by Michael Koempel and Judy Schneider.

TheCapitol.Net offers training and a Certificate in Congressional Operations and Federal Budgeting. We show you how Washington and Congress work. TM

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August 30, 2008 06:37 PM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)

Congress in a Nutshell: Understanding Congress

Congress in a Nutshell: Understanding Congress

Our Washington insiders provide an exceptional overview of the process, the leadership and the politics of Congress for those who need to know more than the basics about the legislative branch.

Our basic Congressional primer is an intensive half-day session covering the House and Senate, their differences, congressional leadership and more. This class is an excellent introduction to Congress for anyone new to government affairs or needing a refresher.

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August 27, 2008 04:47 PM   Link    Congress ~   Legislative Process ~   Training    Comments (0)

Uncle Sam is Hiring

Although the economy is in a funk, there is one employer who expects to hire big time in the coming years -- Uncle Sam.

"Most experts agree that the government will need to replace at least a half million federal employees in the near future," says a recent report by the Merit Systems Protection Board.

The board preceded that statement with an almost lyrical explanation of why so many hires will be needed: "The upcoming wave of expected retirements may be a tsunami (as some predict) or it may have the erosive effect of a constant crashing of smaller waves upon the beach."

"Where the Hiring Is Hot," by Joe Davidson, The Washington Post, August 26, 2008

Capitol Learning Audio Courses from TheCapitol.Net

August 26, 2008 10:47 AM   Link    Career ~   Training    Comments (0)

Media Tip 46

Media Tip 46: Get to know reporters in social settings. But never forget that their obligation to their news organization may conflict with their personal relationship with you.

Booklets customizable for your organization

This tip is from our booklet, Media Relations Tips: 102 Secrets for Finding Success in Public Relations.

Practical tips for anyone who works with the media, works with someone who works with the media, or who works at an organization that is covered in the media.  An easy handout for everyone in your group to make sure that they are prepared and confident if they ever have to deal with the media.
4 x 9 inches, 15 pages

Based on the Media Relations Handbook, by Brad Fitch.

The cover and inside pages of this booklet can be customized with your logo and information. For more information, see our Booklets page.

TheCapitol.Net offers Media Training and Communication and Advocacy Training, and is the exclusive provider of Congressional Quarterly (CQ) Executive Conferences.

August 26, 2008 10:37 AM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)

Understanding Congressional Budgeting and Appropriations

Understanding Congressional Budgeting and Appropriations

Who has the most to gain in the budgeting process? Where are you most effective? Where does your power lie in the budget process?

This engaging course explores basic congressional budget process concepts along with key players, their roles and relationships. Learn about discretionary and mandatory spending, the budget resolution and reconciliation process. Students also learn about the relationship of authorization and appropriations legislation. Hear real, modern-day examples that illustrate the process, and gain ample time to discuss concerns and roadblocks encountered with the budget process.

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August 25, 2008 11:37 AM   Link    Budget ~   Budget Training ~   Training    Comments (0)

Congressional Deskbook: "Recede and Concur"

Recede and Concur: Motion to withdraw from a position and agree with the other chamber’s position.

Booklets customizable for your organization

This definition is from our Congressional Deskbook.

Perfect reference tool of Congressional jargon and procedural terms.
Learn how to translate words that are used every day on Capitol Hill.
4 x 9 inches, 16 pages

The cover and inside pages of this booklet can be customized with your logo and information. For more information, see our Booklets page.

The Pocket Dictionary is based on the Congressional Deskbook, by Michael Koempel and Judy Schneider.

TheCapitol.Net offers training and a Certificate Program in Congressional Operations and Federal Budgeting, we show you how Washington and Congress work. TM

August 23, 2008 11:57 AM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)


Bibliotherapy is an old concept in library science. In the US it is documented as dating back to the 1930's. The basic concept behind bibliotherapy is that reading is a healing experience. It was applied to both general practice medical care, especially after WWII, because the soldiers had a lot of time on their hands while recuperating. Also, the soldiers felt that reading was healing and helpful. In psychiatric institutions bibliotherapeutic groups flourished during this time. The books kept the patients busy, and they seemed to be good for their general sense of well being for a variety of reasons.

Bibliotherapy - from Wikipedia

Hat tip Marginal Revolution

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August 22, 2008 08:27 AM   Link    Caught Our Eye    Comments (0)

Working with Congress and Congressional Staff: Communicating Effectively with Capitol Hill

Working with Congress and Congressional Staff: Communicating Effectively with Capitol Hill

Congressional staff aren’t just your way through a member's door; they are the door. How do you get results from these vital, behind-the-scenes individuals?

Students learn from a former Member of Congress and find out what tools help entice staff to your side.

This course is designed to meet the executive core qualification, building coalitions/communications, by instructing individuals how to explain, advocate and present facts and ideas in a convincing matter, and how to develop an expansive professional network with other organizations.

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August 21, 2008 11:57 AM   Link    Congress ~   Training    Comments (0)

Media Tip 67

Media Tip 67: Through your website, connect off-line activities with online assets by:
• Directing people to the website with off-line media, such as direct mail;
• Collecting email addresses of interested people;
• Taking advantage of grassroots organizing practices; and
• Adjusting the web site based on media interviews.

Booklets customizable for your organization

This tip is from our booklet, Media Relations Tips: 102 Secrets for Finding Success in Public Relations.

Practical tips for anyone who works with the media, works with someone who works with the media, or who works at an organization that is covered in the media.  An easy handout for everyone in your group to make sure that they are prepared and confident if they ever have to deal with the media.
4 x 9 inches, 15 pages

Based on the Media Relations Handbook, by Brad Fitch.

The cover and inside pages of this booklet can be customized with your logo and information. For more information, see our Booklets page.

TheCapitol.Net offers Media Training and Communication and Advocacy Training, and is the exclusive provider of Congressional Quarterly (CQ) Executive Conferences.

August 20, 2008 11:47 AM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)

September 2008 Legislative, Communication, and Media Training from TheCapitol.Net

September 2008 Legislative, Communication, and Media Training from TheCapitol.Net

Our latest email update:

Also see our Audio Course Bundles, money-saving packages of our popular Capitol Learning Audio Courses.

TheCapitol.Net, Inc.
>> Exclusive provider of Congressional Quarterly Executive Conferences.
>> Non-partisan training and publications that show how Washington works. TM

August 19, 2008 07:07 PM   Link    Training    Comments (0)

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff, Part III: The Federal Regulatory Process

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff, Part III:

The Federal Regulatory Process

A Telephone Seminar

As a foreign diplomat or embassy staff member based in the United States, you need a good understanding of the U.S. government to work effectively. This three-part series of courses introduces you to the structure of the three branches of government, the dynamics of Congress, and federal rulemaking and the federal regulatory process.

Part III: The Federal Regulatory Process

Open Q&A with the faculty included: Ken Ackerman.

Can't fit the telephone seminar into your schedule? Get all three parts of this series on CD!

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff
Capitol Learning Audio Course
Includes seminar materials.
All three audio courses on CD: $127 plus shipping and handling Buy this Audio Course on CD

August 19, 2008 09:47 AM   Link    Foreign Diplomats ~   Training    Comments (0)

Tracking and Monitoring Legislation: How to Find and Use Congressional Documents

Tracking and Monitoring Legislation: How to Find and Use Congressional Documentss

Are you responsible for legislative tracking? Do you know which online resources are most useful for your particular task? Do you need to know alternative methods for monitoring legislative changes and ways to better utilize your resources (saving time in the process)?

You’ll learn different types and versions of bills, committee and conference reports, and leadership documents. Students also find out about The Congressional Record, Congress' official activity account. Learn about legislation tracking, monitoring and the complexities of how a bill becomes a law.

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August 18, 2008 02:37 PM   Link    Research ~   Training    Comments (0)

The tragic story of Zimbabwe

The tragic irony of Zimbabwe is that what is today a hellish country should by all evidence be a paradise. Its high, malaria-free interior is a magical place: sweeping vistas of long tawny grasses slope up to the mountain ranges of the eastern highlands; in the north the land falls sharply down to the Zambezi River, which tumbles magnificently over the Victoria Falls. Zimbabwe is blessed with rich, loamy soil. Beneath it lie generous seams of gold, chromium, coal, iron, and diamonds. At independence in 1980, Mugabe inherited a sophisticated, well-maintained infrastructure. The black middle class grew fast, and Zimbabwe enjoyed the highest standard of living in black-ruled Africa.

But that was yesterday. The most recent World Values Survey shows that Zimbabweans are today the world’s unhappiest people. Their economy has almost halved in size in the past 10 years. The unemployment rate is more than 80 percent. About half of all Zimbabweans are reliant on food aid. Some 20 percent of the population is afflicted with H.I.V./aids. Zimbabwe today has the world’s shortest life span--the average Zimbabwean is dead by age 36 (down from age 62 in 1990). As a result the country now has the highest percentage of orphans on the planet.

"Day of the Crocodile. Zimbabwe’s longtime ruler, Robert Mugabe, made a brutal sham of recent elections, after banning Western journalists. The author, a native, reports from the inside on Mugabe’s campaign of terror--and the extraordinary courage of those who’ve confronted 'The Fear.'” By Peter Godwin, Vanity Fair, September 2008


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August 17, 2008 02:17 PM   Link    Caught Our Eye    Comments (0)

Congressional Deskbook: "Instruct Conferees"

Instruct Conferees: Formal action by one chamber urging its conferees to uphold a particular position in conference.

Booklets customizable for your organization

This definition is from our Congressional Deskbook.

Perfect reference tool of Congressional jargon and procedural terms.
Learn how to translate words that are used every day on Capitol Hill.
4 x 9 inches, 16 pages

The cover and inside pages of this booklet can be customized with your logo and information. For more information, see our Booklets page.

The Pocket Dictionary is based on the Congressional Deskbook, by Michael Koempel and Judy Schneider.

TheCapitol.Net offers training and a Certificate Program in Congressional Operations and Federal Budgeting, we show you how Washington and Congress work. TM

August 15, 2008 03:57 PM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)

China's "Little Emperors"

Chinese parents bemoan their only child's desire for instant gratification, excessive consumption, and a life free of hardship, but such complaints are just proof that the policy worked: The children are like little Americans. "These kids have the same dreams as all middle-class kids: to go to college, to get white-collar jobs, to own their own home, to have Nikes and name brands," says Fong. "They expect things that are normal in developed countries, but by China's standards, are unheard of."

"Plight of the Little Emperors: Coddled from infancy and raised to be academic machines, China's only children expect the world. Now they're buckling under the pressure of their parents' deferred dreams." By Taylor Clark, Psychology Today, July/August 2008

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August 14, 2008 05:27 PM   Link    Caught Our Eye    Comments (0)

Media Tip 54

Media Tip 54: Select television interview locations that will make the principal look good or illustrate an aspect of the story. Work with the cameraman to set up the best possible shot.

Booklets customizable for your organization

This tip is from our booklet, Media Relations Tips: 102 Secrets for Finding Success in Public Relations.

Practical tips for anyone who works with the media, works with someone who works with the media, or who works at an organization that is covered in the media.  An easy handout for everyone in your group to make sure that they are prepared and confident if they ever have to deal with the media.
4 x 9 inches, 15 pages

Based on the Media Relations Handbook, by Brad Fitch.

The cover and inside pages of this booklet can be customized with your logo and information. For more information, see our Booklets page.

TheCapitol.Net offers Media Training and Communication and Advocacy Training, and is the exclusive provider of Congressional Quarterly (CQ) Executive Conferences.

August 12, 2008 02:27 PM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)

Garmin Zumo 550

Garmin Zumo GPS Wiki

Zumo mini site at Garmin


Review and tips on Two Wheeled Texans


August 11, 2008 10:27 PM   Link    Piaggio MP3    Comments (0)

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff, Part II: The Dynamics of the Legislative Process

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff, Part II:

The Dynamics of the Legislative Process

A Telephone Seminar

As a foreign diplomat or embassy staff member based in the United States, you need a good understanding of the U.S. government to work effectively. This three-part series of courses introduces you to the structure of the three branches of government, the dynamics of Congress, and federal rulemaking and the federal regulatory process.

Part II: The Dynamics of the Legislative Process

Open Q&A with the faculty included: Chris Davis.

Can't fit the telephone seminar into your schedule? Get all three parts of this series on CD!

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff
Capitol Learning Audio Course
Includes seminar materials.
All three audio courses on CD: $127 plus shipping and handling Buy this Audio Course on CD

August 11, 2008 04:07 PM   Link    Foreign Diplomats ~   Training    Comments (0)

"America, ...." Bernie Mac dead at 50. RIP

Mac struggled early in his career, driving a Wonder Bread delivery truck to pay the bills.
"Chicago comedian Bernie Mac dead at age 50" Chicago Tribune

"Popular comedian, actor, Chicago native: Bernie Mac 1957-2008" Chicago Sun-Times

"Actor, comedian and exasperated dad Mac dies at 50" MyWay

"Bernie Mac, 'Original King of Comedy'" Seattle Times

"Comedian Bernie Mac dies at 50" The Independent

"Comedian Bernie Mac, 50, dies of pneumonia complications" The Dallas Morning News

"Bernie Mac, 1957-2008" Hartford Courant

Bernie Mac - Wikipedia

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August 10, 2008 10:27 AM   Link    Caught Our Eye    Comments (0)

Piaggio / Scooter Stuff

From Gempler's - Ultraseal | Short valve stems

Change Your Own Tire - MV thread | Mojolever & Mojoblocks | Marc Parnes Vespa/Kymco Scooter Wheel Balancer | Harbor Freight mini tire changer (34552-7VGA) | Harbor Freight 1000 lb. capacity Motorcycle Lift

August 8, 2008 09:57 PM   Link    Piaggio MP3    Comments (0)

Congressional Deskbook: "Resolution of Inquiry"

Resolution of Inquiry: A simple resolution calling on the president or the head of an executive agency to provide specific information or papers to one or both chambers.

Booklets customizable for your organization

This definition is from our Congressional Deskbook.

Perfect reference tool of Congressional jargon and procedural terms.
Learn how to translate words that are used every day on Capitol Hill.
4 x 9 inches, 16 pages

The cover and inside pages of this booklet can be customized with your logo and information. For more information, see our Booklets page.

The Pocket Dictionary is based on the Congressional Deskbook, by Michael Koempel and Judy Schneider.

TheCapitol.Net offers training and a Certificate Program in Congressional Operations and Federal Budgeting, we show you how Washington and Congress work. TM

August 8, 2008 06:57 PM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)

"Economics Does Not Lie"

If economics is finally a science, what, exactly, does it teach? With the help of Columbia University economist Pierre-André Chiappori, I have synthesized its findings into ten propositions. Almost all top economists--those who are recognized as such by their peers and who publish in the leading scientific journals--would endorse them (the exceptions are those like Joseph Stiglitz and Jeffrey Sachs, whose public pronouncements are more political than scientific). The more the public understands and embraces these propositions, the more prosperous the world will become.

1. The market economy is the most efficient of all economic systems.
2. Free trade helps economic development.
3. Good institutions help development.
4. The best measure of a good economy is its growth.
5. Creative destruction is the engine of economic growth.
6. Monetary stability, too, is necessary for growth; inflation is always harmful.
7. Unemployment among unskilled workers is largely determined by how much labor costs.
8. While the welfare state is necessary in some form, it isn't always effective.
9. The creation of complex financial markets has brought about economic progress.
10. Competition is usually desirable.

The best of all possible economic systems is indeed imperfect. Whatever the truths uncovered by economic science, the free market is finally only the reflection of human nature, itself hardly perfectible.

"Economics Does Not Lie: The dismal science is at last a science--and the world is the beneficiary." By Guy Sorman, City Journal, Summer 2008

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August 7, 2008 01:37 PM   Link    Economics    Comments (0)

Smokey says - care will prevent 9 of 10 forest fires!

This is a WWII poster from the Northwestern University archives.

Smokey says - care will prevent 9 of 10 forest fires!
Smokey says - Care will prevent 9 of 10 forest fires!


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August 6, 2008 10:17 AM   Link    Art    Comments (0)

Media Tip 78

Media Tip 78: Conduct preparation sessions with the principal before interviews. Include in these sessions only personnel who understand the media and message goals.

Booklets customizable for your organization

This tip is from our booklet, Media Relations Tips: 102 Secrets for Finding Success in Public Relations.

Practical tips for anyone who works with the media, works with someone who works with the media, or who works at an organization that is covered in the media.  An easy handout for everyone in your group to make sure that they are prepared and confident if they ever have to deal with the media.
4 x 9 inches, 15 pages

Based on the Media Relations Handbook, by Brad Fitch.

The cover and inside pages of this booklet can be customized with your logo and information. For more information, see our Booklets page.

TheCapitol.Net offers Media Training and Communication and Advocacy Training, and is the exclusive provider of Congressional Quarterly (CQ) Executive Conferences.

August 5, 2008 09:57 AM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)


The Tinkertoy Computer - we love this comment: "now if they could only get it to run Doom..."

The Tinkertoy Robot

Tinkertoys - from Hasbro: "From planes to trains to cranes, there are hundreds of possibilities." ... and computers, robots ...

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August 4, 2008 04:47 PM   Link    Fun    Comments (0)

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff, Part I: The U.S. Government in a Nutshell

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff, Part I:

The U.S. Government in a Nutshell

A Telephone Seminar

As a foreign diplomat or embassy staff member based in the United States, you need a good understanding of the U.S. government to work effectively. This three-part series of courses introduces you to the structure of the three branches of government, the dynamics of Congress, and federal rulemaking and the federal regulatory process.

Part I: The U.S. Government in a Nutshell

Open Q&A with the faculty included: Todd Tatelman.

Can't fit the telephone seminar into your schedule? Get all three parts of this series on CD!

Essentials of U.S. Governance for Foreign Diplomats and Embassy Staff
Capitol Learning Audio Course
Includes seminar materials.
All three audio courses on CD: $127 plus shipping and handling Buy this Audio Course on CD

August 4, 2008 02:47 PM   Link    Foreign Diplomats    Comments (0)

Grow your own. Be sure!

This is a WWII poster from the Northwestern University archives.

Grow your own. Be sure!
Grow your own. Be sure!

August 3, 2008 11:07 AM   Link    Art    Comments (0)

When french fries are outlawed, only outlaws will have french fries....

The war on fat has just crossed a major red line. The Los Angeles City Council has passed an ordinance prohibiting construction of new fast-food restaurants in a 32-square-mile area inhabited by 500,000 low-income people.

"Food Apartheid: Banning fast food in poor neighborhoods." By William Saletan, Slate, July 31, 2008

I don't think the state has any more right to tell me what what to put in my mouth than it has to tell me what can come out of my mouth.
--Milton Friedman

"I Do Not Believe the State Has Any Right to Tell Me What to Put In My Head," Cafe Hayek, July 31, 2008

I'll give up my french fries when they pry them from my cold pudgy fingers....

Next up: police checkpoints for fast food. Watch out Five Guys!

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August 1, 2008 08:17 AM   Link    Caught Our Eye    Comments (0)

Congressional Deskbook: "Preamble"

Preamble: Introductory language in a bill preceding the enacting clause. It describes the reasons for and intent of a measure. In a joint resolution, the language appears before the resolving clause. In a concurrent or simple resolution, it appears before the text.

Booklets customizable for your organization

This definition is from our Congressional Deskbook.

Perfect reference tool of Congressional jargon and procedural terms.
Learn how to translate words that are used every day on Capitol Hill.
4 x 9 inches, 16 pages

The cover and inside pages of this booklet can be customized with your logo and information. For more information, see our Booklets page.

The Pocket Dictionary is based on the Congressional Deskbook, by Michael Koempel and Judy Schneider.

TheCapitol.Net offers training and a Certificate Program in Congressional Operations and Federal Budgeting, we show you how Washington and Congress work. TM

August 1, 2008 07:37 AM   Link    Tips and Terms    Comments (0)