Custom, On-Site Training from TheCapitol.Net

Custom, On-Site Training from TheCapitol.Net

Custom, On-Site Training from TheCapitol.Net

All of our programs and any combination of their topics can be tailored for on-site training for your organization.

Our training and publications include congressional operations, legislative and budget process, communication and advocacy, media and public relations, testifying before Congress, research skills, legislative drafting, critical thinking and writing, and more:

For more than 30 years, TheCapitol.Net and its predecessor, Congressional Quarterly Executive Conferences, have been training professionals from government, military, business, and NGOs on the dynamics and operations of the legislative and executive branches and how to work with them.

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Custom Training from TheCapitol.Net

Custom, On-Site Training from TheCapitol.Net

Custom, On-Site Training from TheCapitol.Net

Custom, On-Site Training from TheCapitol.Net

All of our programs and any combination of their topics can be tailored for on-site training for your organization.

Our training and publications include congressional operations, legislative and budget process, communication and advocacy, media and public relations, testifying before Congress, research skills, legislative drafting, critical thinking and writing, and more:

For more than 30 years, TheCapitol.Net and its predecessor, Congressional Quarterly Executive Conferences, have been training professionals from government, military, business, and NGOs on the dynamics and operations of the legislative and executive branches and how to work with them.

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“Uncle Sam still can’t write very well, study shows”

[Annetta Cheek] said federal employees often are pressed for time on the job, and if they are writing a report, for example, they might refer to the previous year’s document, which is usually replete with jargon, and mimic that style. People also write for their supervisors or attorneys or other technically minded folks and bureaucratic … Read more

Understanding Report Language and Legislative History / Joint Statements (

Learning to research and understand legislative history is an important part of any legislator’s job. Legislative history includes the official reports that are generated in Congress throughout the course of the legislative process, such as committee reports and joint statements. photo credit: EverJean When researching case law, be aware that court decisions can frequently include … Read more