How Coalitions Can Benefit Your Group

Most legislative campaigns today feature coordinated legislative efforts, and almost all lobbyists now work through legislative coalitions. The reason for this is that lobbyists recognize that there is incredible strength in numbers and that in most cases the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. photo credit: westy48 By coordinating strategies and pooling … Read more

Tips for Conducting Advocacy, Issue and Legislative Research

The way in which you conduct research as part of your efforts to lobby for a particular issue can have an important effect on the outcome of that issue. Extreme care must be exercised when preparing any research that will be utilized. photo credit: AlexYo1968 First, double-check and verify everything. This includes the names of … Read more

What do lobbyists do?

“The Podestas Face Tough Questions About Lobbying,” by Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic, October 1, 2010 From Lobbying and Advocacy, by Deanna Gelak: §1.1 Introduction Nearly every legislative day, thousands of lobbyists are watching, monitoring, and working to influence the outcome of legislation at the federal level. Simultaneously, lobbyists are presenting hundreds of testimonies and briefings … Read more

Tracking the Priorities of Congressional Leaders

Leadership in Congress is particularly important as whichever party has the majority garners the responsibility of choosing committee chairs, setting agendas and scheduling legislation for consideration. Understanding the congressional leadership’s priorities helps you understand future legislation. There are many ways in which you can determine those priorities. photo credit: Mrs. Gemstone There are critical times … Read more

Advocacy through Grassroots Organization

Grassroots lobbying has become a popular and common method for attempting to influence the outcome of legislation. At the most basic level, grassroots lobbying involves citizens simply contacting their legislators to convince them to take a certain stand either for or against a specific piece of legislation. One of the reasons that grassroots lobbying is … Read more

“Lobbying and Advocacy,” by Deanna Gelak

Lobbying and Advocacy: Winning Strategies, Resources, Recommendations, Ethics and Ongoing Compliance for Lobbyists and Washington Advocates is now available. Lobbying and AdvocacyBy Deanna Gelak Lobbying and Advocacy is the comprehensive guide for lobbyists and Washington advocates. This 11 chapter publication provides practical tips and resources, as well as step-by-step guides for communicating with policymakers in … Read more